Sunday, December 22, 2019

Classroom Management Theory Essay - 1457 Words

Students enter the classroom with differing personalities and levels of learning. Hence, it is important that pre-service teachers are equipped with knowledge and understanding of the different theories of classroom management. Theories such as Goal Centered Theory [GCT], Cognitive Behavioural Theory [CBT] and Assertive Discipline Theory [AD] facilitate supportive learning environments to offer students superlative conditions to succeed at school. Research recommends the adoption of a single approach to inform and guide a pre-service teachers’ classroom management style; however, a teacher’s beliefs, attitudes and values help inform the best approach, whether that is aligning with one theory, a consolidation of concurring practices from†¦show more content†¦24). To implement GCT effectively, teachers must be able to distinguish a student’s individual motivation to misbehave and negotiate alternative solutions to prevent their misbehaviour (Dempsey Arthu r-Kelly, 2007, p.122: Lyons et al., p. 24). For example, by using preventative strategies such as engaging in whole class discussions, explicit instructions, modelled consistency and offering choice with rules, consequence and academic tasks, students may be able to recognise their personal intentions and maintain suitable behaviours (Lyons et al., p. 24). GCT has many strengths, for instance, it provides teachers with an effective framework to distinguish their students’ motivation to misbehave. Furthermore, it helps students to recognise and adapt their own misbehaviour that may arise from failure to meet social needs. GCT encourages constructive classroom environments, where students are intrinsically motivated and actively involved in their learning, thus they demonstrate accountability for their own academic achievement whilst considering the needs of others. However, critics of GCT believe that not every student has the need to be socially accepted and other reasons such as an inability to recognise motives or hidden motives may be responsible for their misbehaviour (Lyons et al., 2014, p. 24). Moreover, teachers who have limitedShow MoreRelatedClassroom Behavior and Management Theories Essay2743 Words   |  11 Pagesthe classroom behavior and management theories of Judicious Discipline and Love and Logic: Taking Contr ol of the Classroom,. I will attempt to summarize, in some detail, the authors’ findings and compare and contrast their main points. I will discuss how these two models influence and agree with, or contradict my own behavior management beliefs. 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